Performance Tasks

Performance Task 1:
Students will learn about flower pollination and the vocabulary that will be introduced in the crossword puzzle. After,  students will be paired with another individual to work on the crossword puzzle. They will then hand it in so I can see if they understood the process. 

Performance Task 2:
Students will be given journals to record data about the growth of their flowers. I will review their recordings and experiences during the process to see the progress of their flowers. Students should be able to write the stage of life that their flower is in.

Performance Task 3:
First, the students will be handed a worksheet with the life stages of flower. Second, I will have the students cut out the cards and put them in order of how they grow. Third,  I will have them create a book of the flowers life stages. Fourth, they will be able to make their books colorful and color in the flowers. 

Performance Task 4: 

Students will be given a quiz at the end of the unit. They must be able to label the parts of the flower that are shown in the diagram above as well as their functions.

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